Wireframe Project to Plane

Projects a wireframe onto a defined plane.

Wireframe Project to Plane

To access this dialog:

  • Surfaces ribbon | Operations | DTMs | Project DTM to Plane

Projects an open wireframe (DTM) or selected triangles representing a DTM, onto a defined plane, perpendicular to that plane. Projecting a DTM to a plane always produces a closed object.

Input data should have no overlapping faces when viewed along the direction of the plane normal. This is not checked before the operation, but any intersecting faces in the projected object will be reported.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Field Details:

Object: either choose a loaded wireframe Object (the default is the current object) or selected wireframe triangle data (Selected triangles). You can select triangle data whilst the dialog is open.

  • Plane Orientation: provides the tools for defining the orientation of the plane used to determine the projection direction.

    • Horizontal: sets the plane to be horizontal (i.e. both Azimuth and Inclination are 0 degrees).

    • North-South: sets the plane to a vertical North-South orientation (i.e. Azimuth is 90 degrees and Inclination is -90 degrees).

    • East-West: sets the plane to a vertical East-West orientation (i.e. Azimuth is 0 degrees and Inclination is -90 degrees).

    • VR Section: if any sections have been defined in the active 3D window, these section planes can be used to generate section strings. Click this button to transfer the azimuth and dip of the section to the relevant fields. If no section data has been defined, this option will be unavailable.

    • Azimuth: sets the azimuth of the plane. Note that this field is automatically updated when either of the top four options are selected.

    • Inclination: sets inclination of the plane. Note that this field is automatically updated when either of the top four options are selected.

Use View Plane: fixes the plane as the current view plane in the 3D window.

Pick Face: click this button, then select a wireframe face in the 3D window. The Azimuth and Inclination will correspond to those of the face and the reference point will have the coordinates of the selected point.

Plane Reference Point: identifies a single point which will fix the plane in space.

  • X: displays or sets the X coordinate (northing) of the reference point.

  • Y: displays or sets the Y coordinate (easting) of the reference point.

  • Z: displays or sets the Z coordinate (elevation) of the reference point.

Output: you can output data either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

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